A Legacy of War? Perceptions of Security in Liberia (LAVA Issue Brief 1)
Seven years after the end of the civil war, in 2010, the Small Arms Survey administered a nationwide household survey in Liberia to generate knowledge on perceptions of security and present-day patterns of victimization, respondents’ exposure to violence, and responses to threats in communities. The study also considers how Liberians perceive the capacity of state institutions to respond to these risks and the types of activity undertaken by civilians to improve their own safety and well-being.3 The household survey is complemented by more than 350 key informant interviews and thematic studies by Liberia experts as well as an extensive literature review and desk research. The results of this study will be presented in five Issue Briefs. This first Issue Brief, A Legacy of War? Perceptions of Security in Liberia, explores the general security perceptions and particular safety concerns of Liberians in 2009 and 2010.
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